While reading any text or primary source documents:
- Encourage questioning/discussion regarding text. Use starters such as; “explain”, “describe”, “summarize”, and “compare” to make your students accountable for what they are reading.
- Highlight main ideas and key vocabulary; as well as important people, places and dates.
- Annotate: Create notes or use post-it notes to document real life connections, past text connections, summaries or questions you still have regarding content.
- If questions accompany text, suggest that students read the questions before reading the text.
While working on math:
- Practice, Practice, Practice! Doing practice problems will help increase your understanding!
- Review your mistakes
- Focus on the concept, not processes. This will help increase your understanding!
- Use real-world, concrete examples.
- Use technology, like your calculator or Chromebook, to improve the math learning process.
While studying or mastering content:
- Create foldables, flashcards or graphic organizers focusing primarily on new or challenging material.
- Color code study materials. Highlight content that you feel strongly about in one color and highlight content that you need to review in another color.
- Review new material daily!
- Master new vocabulary words reviewing them, finding synonyms, or using them in sentences.
- Be aware of grades/missing work!
- Check Google Classroom daily
- Use a planner
- Guide to Creating a Personalized Study Plan
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